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Empowering All Parents: Sextortion Presentation with Officer George
September 27, 2023
6:30 PM to 7:45 PM
Suttons Bay Public School Auditorium - 500 S Elm Street, Suttons Bay

Empowering All Parents: What is Sextortion?
How To Talk To Your Children About Sextortion and Its Mental & Emotional Effects On Them.
What Law Enforcement Can Do to Help You and Your Child Including The Prosecution Process of an Offender

Presentation on September 27th at 6:30-7:45p.m.
Suttons Bay School Auditorium, 500 S. Elm Street, Suttons Bay

Unveiling the Truth: Defending Against Sextortion
Presented by GTB Officer Thomas George Jr. (retired MSP)/ Leelanau County Sheriff Mike Borkovich. Guest Speakers include Detective Mike Bankey (LCSD), Tribal Prosecutor Bill Brott, and Leelanau County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Tristan Chamberlin. In Collaboration with GTB Tribal Police & Superintendent Casey Petz, Suttons Bay Schools.

Empowering Parents Presentation: Safeguarding Your Child in the Digital Age

This Empowering Parents Presentation is aimed at equipping parents and caregivers with vital knowledge to protect their children in today’s digital age. This comprehensive session will delve into essential subjects, starting with what is sextortion, how to talk to your child about the dangers of the digital age including sextortion issues. Also, how to reach out to local law enforcement and prosecutors, and what can be done to help you and your child if you become a victim of sextortion.
In recent years, the prevalence of sextortion cases has been on the rise, highlighting the importance of being informed and vigilant of your child’s online presence and activity. Our expert panel will delve into the statistics and insights surrounding sextortion, allowing you to grasp the likelihood of your child encountering such situations. It will also include how to talk to your child about these issues and importance of reaching out to law enforcement.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from local law enforcement and prosecutors what resources are available to assist.

The Presenter is GTB Tribal Officer Tom George Jr. Michigan State Police retired in 2022 after 26 years of service. Officer George has 5 years Tribal Police Experience.
Sheriff Mike Borkovich - Leelanau County/47 years experience at the State, Federal, & County Levels.
Bill Brott - Mr. Brott has been an attorney since 1994. Serving as the tribal prosecuting attorney since May of 2021
Tristan Chamberlin - Leelanau County Assistant Prosecutor for 8 years, specializing in digital forensics.
Det. Mike Bankey - Leelanau County Sheriff Dept. for 33 years police experience, 13 digital forensics specialist.

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